Want to know more about weight loss and weight loss surgery?

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Why have weight loss surgery?

    Weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery or metabolic surgery, can be used as a treatment for people who are obese. It can lead to significant weight loss and help improve many obesity related conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnoea and joint pain.

    To find out more why don't you read : Is Weight Loss Surgery Right For Me.

    Or Contact Me

  • Does Weight Loss Surgery Work?

    Yes it does but you have to remember weight loss surgery is a tool to aid weight loss. You will need to eat a healthier diet, make lifestlye changes, improve your relationship with food and work with your surgery to achieve and maintain weight loss. 

     I always say the surgery does 30% of the work and you have to put in 70% with aftercare support.

    To find out more about The Dietologist After Care contact me.

  • How does weight loss surgery work?

    Weight loss surgery helps you feel satisfied on smaller portions. 

    With the sleeve, gastric bypass and mini gastric bypass you'll have a smaller stomach pouch, hence restriction and there's a hormonal effect from the surgery which means you will feel less hungry. 

    If you eat the correct food textures and eat slowly you'll feel satisfeid on smaller portions which will help you lose weight.

    To find out more about Weight Loss surgery, give me a call. 

  • Can I have weight loss surgery on the NHS?

    In order to have surgery you need to:

    • Meet NICE critera.  
    • If you have a BMI (kg/m2) over 35, or you have an obesity-related condition such as Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol, Weight Loss Surgery could be a life-changing option for you. 
    • Eligibility for weight loss surgery in the private sector differs to the NHS, where strict NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellence, 2014) guidance is adhered to due to financial constraints.
    • You've tried all other weight loss methods, such as dieting and exercise, but have struggled to lose weight or keep it off. 
    • You agree to long-term follow-up after surgery – such as making healthy lifestyle changes and attending regular check-ups.
    • Lose 5-10% of your excess weight in a tier 3 weight management NHS service over 12-24 months.
    • A team of surgeons, doctors, dietitians and pyschologist agree you are a good candidate for surgery. 
  • How to access surgery in the private sector?

    You need to meet cirteria for surgery in the private sector accesss to bariatric/weight loss surgery starts at a lower BMI 27 whereas the NHS offer surgery from BMI 35 with health issues. NHS have budgets to keep to hence the surgery is only offered to patients with a higher BMI. 

    Private sector criteria:

    Gastric Bypass/Mini Gastric Bypass: BMI 40 and above or BMI 35 with Type 2 Diabetes or other weight related health issues (Lower BMI considered for patients of Asian ethnicity.)

    To find out more, contact me.

  • How much does weight loss surgery cost?

    Weight loss surgery (bariatricsurgery) can cost from £3,500 for a Gastric balloon to £15,000 for a gastric bypass.

    If you choose to have surgery abroad you'll expect to pay a third of the costs. Don't forget aftercare will not be included in the price hence its cheaper.

    If you're thinking about having weight loss surgery aborad think about investing in aftercare support, it really can make a difference. Why don't you contact me to find out more.

  • Why do people go abroad for weight loss surgery?

    Many UK residents travel abroad for weight loss surgery as it's a more affordable, accessible, and you escape both NHS and private waiting lists. I'm unable to access numbers but i predict more than 200 patients a month travel to Europe, Turkey (Istanbul), India, Thailand and Brazil. To find out more read the blog: Thinking about Weight Loss Surgery Abroad.

    If you want the low down on surgery abroad, contact me.

  • Is it Safe To Travel Abroad For Surgery

    If you choose to have surgery abroad be SAFE. Ideally I would recommend having surgery in the UK. If you have compliactions they can be managed here. Also surgery abroad does not include UK aftercare support which is incredibly important to help you work with your surgery.

    If you choose to go abroad:

    • do your research
    • get recommendations
    • review the surgeons qualifications
    • read hospital reviews
    • most importantly speak to your GP
    • speak to other patients and gather as much information as you can.

    To find out more : Thinking About Weight Loss Surgery Abroad.

    Or Contact me to find out more.

  • Why weight loss surgery may not work (weight regain)?

    Weight loss surgery is not a quick fix to weight loss. Its a tool, if you don't work with it correctly you will not get the desired results. It's very improtant you understand this before you go ahead for surgery otherwise it will be a very expensive mistake!

    As with most things in life  we need to be educated and it's the same with weight loss surgery. If you crave sweet food all the time, theres no guarantee the surgery will stop this.

    You can eat high calorie foods with most surgeries , however for some you may get an undesired effect called dumping syndrome which may stop you eating these foods. 

    Whats important is that you reach out and get good support before and after your surgery. 

    Read the blog: Invest in Yourself or contact me to find out more.

  • What is bariatric aftercare and why do i need it?

    Bariatric/Weight Loss Aftercare is the support you need to help make the changes for long term weight loss. Without this you're likely to regain the weight you lose after a few years. The Dietologist Bariatric Aftercare includes:

    • How to change eating habits for weight loss.
    • How to work with your surgery.
    • How to eat a healthier diet (not dieting).
    • Improving your relationship with food.
    • How to stop dietiting.
    • Lifestyle advice.
    • Medication and Supplement advice.
    • Review of blood tests.
    • GP support and letters
    • Email support between consults.
    • Support within a community.
    • Resources.

    To find out more about The Dietologist Support After Weight loss Surgery, contact me.

  • How much weight can I expect to lose with weight loss surgery?

    Gastric band 50% of your excess weight at around 18-24 months.

    Sleeve Gastrectony, 60 % of your excess weight at around 18-24 months.

    Gastric bypass and mini gastric bypass, 70% of your excess weight at around 18-24 months.

    If you would like an explanation of the average weight loss post surgery and why patients may struggle to achieve the results, contact me.

  • Is it easy to hide/keep weight loss surgery a secret?

    Many of my clients don't tell their friends and family about the surgery as they feel embarrased or a failiure. THere really is no need to feel this way but i completely understand and support each and every patient with their choices. The scars are easy to hide as the surgery is perfomed laparscopically (keyhole). You'll have 5 small incisions which will fade over time.

    You can keep weight loss surgery a secret, however you may be asked many questions such as:

    • You've lost lots of weight recently.
    • Why are you eating so little.
    • You seem to eat very slowly these days.
    • You've lost too much weight, it doesn't suit you!
    • Don't you want to go out for a meal?

    So be prepared for the questions! if you need some secret support why don't you contact me and we can keep this little secret to ourselves!

  • Which weight loss surgery is the least invasive?

    The gastric balloon is the least invasive and infact we now have the Elipse swallowable capsule balloon which does not require endoscopy like the traditional gastric balloon.

    The gastric band requires surgery however procedure time can range from 30-60 minutes in theatre. Don't forget the gastric band will need adjusting regulary for the first year to help you reach the green zone. 

    To find out more, why don't you contact me.

  • Which Weight loss Surgery Is Reversible?

    The gastric band is permanant however it can be removed due to clinical problems e.g. band erosion, slipped band or band intolerance.

    Theoretically the gastric bypass and Mini Gastric bypass can be reversed but only if there is a clinical need e.g. too much weight loss.

    The Sleeve cannot be reversed as 80% of the stomach is removed and discarded during the procedure. 

    In summary the sleeve gastrectomy is not reversible. The band, bypass and mini bypass are only reversible if there is a clinical need.

    To find out more contact me for a friendly chat to find out whether further surgery is necessary. this surgery could save you thousands!

  • Which Weight Loss Surgery Gives the Best Results?

    Before deciding  on weight loss surgery you need to consider factors such as;

    • BMI
    • How much weight do you need to lose to improve health?
    • Do you have diabetes?
    • Your eating habits?
    • Do you smoke? ( best to avoid smoking )
    • How much alcohol you drink.
    • Dentition.

    The Sleeve and Gastric/Mini bypass are known to have better weight loss results due to restriction (smaller stomach pouch) and the  hormonal effect (less hunger). Don't forget results depend on your ability to manage your eating habits, lifestyle and emotional eating. 

    To find out more about emotional eating support and hoe The Dietologist can help you, book in for a friendly chat.

  • Which weight loss surgery is right for me?

    This will need to be a decision you make with the surgeon and pre su[port team.

    If you have type 2 diabetes with a BMI>35  and uncontrolled blood sugar control the gastric bypass will be the preferred choice however other medical conditions such as heart problems may change this decision. It is best to dicuss this with the surgeon or your pre and post surgery team.

    The Dietologist is happy to speak to you today.

  • Can weight loss surgery help with PCOS?

    Bariatric surgery can be an effective means of weight loss if you suffer with PCOS and weight issues.Surgical techniques have become safer and less invasive over time and have been found to be effective in achieving significant weight loss. Bariatric surgery may also have reproductive benefits in PCOS patients.

    To find out more about fertility and weight loss read my blod.

    or contact me for a chat.

  • Can Weight loss Surgery Help With Sleep Apnoea?

    If you struggle with sleep apnoea and are overweight, you are not alone. Studies have shown that bariatric surgery (also known as weight-loss surgery) is an effective tool for treating obesity, and for preventing, treating and even resolving sleep apnoea.

    To find out more about sleep apnoea and weight loss why don't you book in for a chat.

  • Can Weight Loss Surgery cure diabetes?

    As many as 7 out of 10 people with type 2 diabetes can achieve long-term diabetes remission by having a gastric bypass. 

    The surgery is not a  cure for diabetes and if you regain the weight you lose you may need to recommence some of your diabetes medication.

    To find out more why don't you give The Dietologist a call.

  • Can Weight Loss Surgery Help with Fertility?

    Weight-loss surgery may treat infertility in some obese women (BMI>30). Women who are obese are more likely to have irregular periods, polycystic ovary syndrome, trouble conceiving and miscarriage. But even modest weight loss improves fertility and reproductive outcomes. Acheiving a healthy BMI 20-25 will improve your chances of conceving.

    To find out how The Dietologist can help improve both you and your partners fertiltiy, book in for a discovery call.

  • Can Weight Loss Surgery Cause Hair Loss?

    Hair loss after bariatric surgery is very common and very stressful. The hair loss associated with weight loss surgery is to do with the normal hair growth cycle. It usually starts abruptly and very seldom lasts longer than 6 months. Stress to the body, lack of nutrition and hormonal changes after weight loss surgery can excaserbate hair loss. Hair gorwth starts again 6 months post surgery but it will take time to see the results.

    To find out more read the Blog- Hair loss after Bariatric Surgery or contact me for a chat.

  • Can I stretch my stomach after weight loss surgery?

    Yes, you can stretch your stomach pouch after weight loss surgery. Over eating, drinking with your meals, binging, fizzy drinks can all help stretch the stomach. One off events wil not cause too much harm however continously overeating, dirnking and eating together and drinking fizzy drinks will eventually stretch your stomach pouch!

    This is likely to result in weight regain.

    To find out more why don't you contact me for a friendly chat.

  • Can I regain the weight I lose after weight loss surgery?

    Yes it's possible to regain some or all of your weight after weight loss surgery. Remember surgery is a tool. Making healthier lifestyle changes and working on over eating and emotional eating with support really can reduce the risk of weight regain after surgery.

    Read the Blog Invest In Yourself

    To find out how you can reduce the risk of surgery, contact The Dietologist.

  • How quickly can i return to work after weight loss surgery?

    Recovery times vary and It can take upto 6 weeks  to heal after weight loss surgery.  Most patients return to work 2-3 weeks post surgery.  

    The procedure with the shortest recovery time is lap band surgery. On average, lap band surgery patients return to work in one week and are fully recovered in just two weeks.

    if you need support after weight loss surgery, contact me.

  • Do I need to take supplements after weight loss surgery.

    Yes, for every surgery a complete multivitamin and mineral is needed.

    For the sleeve, gastric bypass and mini bypass we also advise additional calcium and vitamin D, Vitamin b12 and iron. Ideally you need to assessed and advised by your dietitian.  

    Read the Blog: Vitamin and mineral supplements

    Or contact me to find out more

  • Do I need to diet after weight loss surgery?

    You should eat a healthier diet after surgery and work on your relationship with food. Ideally it's important to move away from "dieting & restriction" and think more along the lines of mindful/intuitive eating. Enjoying your food and eating more mindfully really can make a difference.

    To find out more about how to successfully lose wieght without counting caloires and weighing your food, contact The Dietologist.

  • What to do if you experience a weight stall?

    Weight loss, after bariatric surgery, is very significant early on; this typically occurs because the body is adapting to the less nutrition and is burning alternative energy sources. As a result your body burns muscle, your metabolism slows down and this is typically what causes you to hit a weight plateau. 

    Why don't you speak with The Dietologist and ask for a diet and lifestyle review. 

  • Do I need revisional/conversion surgery.

    Some patients may have problems with the primary surgery e.g. gastric band may have slipped or eroded so the patient will have the gastric band removed and opt to have further surgery e.g. gastric bypass. Revisional surgery is very limited on the NHS.

    Before having revisional surgery ensure you speak to your dietitian for an assessment. You may just need to work with your surgery better. 

    To find out more call The Dietologist for a chat.

  • Will I have Loose Skin After Weight Loss Surgery?

    A high BMI and rapid weight loss can result in loose or sagging skin. If you don't have too much weight to lose and the weight comes off slowly it can help a little with the excess skin. The reality is that loose skin is inevitable with weight loss after surgery. 

    If you have any questions about weight loss surgery why don't you contact The Dietologist.

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