Many of my clients frequently express concern about the idea of dining out in a restaurant after undergoing bariatric surgery. After spending time at home post op, being in full control of what they eat (often with just their family) and adopting significant changes to their lifestyle, the idea of eating in public with friends can be quite a daunting experience.

It doesn’t have to be! A little planning in advance can ensure that meeting up with friends and enjoying a night out together is a fun and uplifting experience.

Here are some tips for dining out after bariatric surgery

Look at the menu in advance

Take some time to look at the menus in different restaurants (which can easily be found online) and choose one where there is a selection of starters that you like or will allow you to customise your meal. If you want to visit a certain restaurant, but aren’t sure of whether the menu is suitable, ring ahead, explain your dietary needs and find out how they can help. Tapas and sushi restaurants are ideal because they offer small dishes that can be customised. 

Don’t be afraid to talk to your friends

Discussing bariatric surgery with friends is a personal decision - nobody is ever under any obligation to discuss their private medical procedures with anyone else - but be aware that questions about your order choices may arise. Your surgery doesn’t have to monopolise the conversation for the whole evening, but supportive friends will be understanding (and may even help you with food recommendations!). 

Choosing your food

If visiting a tapas restaurant, share dishes with your friends - this means that you can pick small amounts from different dishes. Try and order your food first. If everyone is ordering a main dish, opt for a starter dish and ask for it to be brought out at the same time as everyone else's. 

Choose protein based meals like chicken, fish or beef that are steamed, baked or grilled, and avoid fried and refined foods, creamy sauces and high-calorie fizzy drinks. Ask for any condiments to be placed on the side and take sips of water while you are waiting for your food to help avoid drinking whilst eating your meal. Ask to have your glass taken from the table if it’s too much temptation to eat and drink. 

If you are worried about the possibility of being sick choose soft options from the menu like soup or food in sauce. This can help reduce anxiety around eating out.

If you do order a full meal, ask to take the leftovers home at the end of the night. 

Eat slowly and mindfully

Eat slowly and mindfully in the same way that you would if you were eating a meal you have prepared at home. Take small bites and take your time chewing your food thoroughly. Put your knife and fork down between bites and don’t forget to talk once you swallow your food, this will help you slow down. Give yourself time to really savour the food and flavours, and make sure that you stop eating when you feel comfortably full. 

Enjoy the company!

Try and avoid being self-conscious about your food choices, relax and enjoy the company of your friends. Life is about balance and having meals out with friends and family occasionally will not sabotage your weight loss.

Are you struggling with building the confidence you need to eat out in public with your friends after having bariatric surgery? For help in how I can support you in your weight loss journey, book in for a
Discovery Call, or visit me on my social media platforms, my Facebook Group and my YouTube channel for helpful information, hints and tips and Q&A opportunities!

By enquiries August 26, 2019
Have you been thinking about having weight loss surgery?
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