Pouch Resets
Should I Follow A Pouch Reset If I
Have No Restriction?
If you’re struggling to lose weight or you’ve hit a weight stall or maybe gaining weight after WLS, you may think you have stretched your stomach pouch as you FEEL you have NO RESTRICTION!
Many of you will come across a pouch reset diet and hope it will shrink your stomach pouch. Unfortunately nothing can shrink your stomach pouch and how do you know you've stretched it?
What you need to do is be assessed by a Specialist Dietitian in Bariatric Surgery. They can assess and advise you about your habits, behaviours and lifestyle which may need to be fine tuned! AS you know bariatric surgery does approximately 30% of the work and yourself with great aftercare work on the 70% which includes support around emotional eating, your relationship with food and lifestyle changes . Remember we need to look at weight loss holistically, it's not just about calories in and calories out.
If you'd like to find out more about The Dietologist Aftercare support to help you look good and feel great, why don't you book a discovery call.