How, what and why people eat the way they do, and the decisions they make (or not) to do so often lie at the heart of many bad eating habits. You are so distracted by other thoughts and feelings that eating can become random, or a response to habitual unhealthy cues, which can range from eating lunch alone at your computer, or simply reaching for comfort food when feeling sad.
- Eating more slowly, putting cutlery down between bites, paying attention to your body’s signals and stopping eating before you are full.
- Eating nutritious foods and learning to enjoy them.
- Eating when your body tells you to (eg, low energy, feeling faint).
- Eating without distraction e.g. avoid eating and working at your laptop or watching TV.
- Eating at set times and places (eg, always at the table).
What is mindful eating?
Mindful eating is about bringing your focus to the task you're doing in the present moment – eating – and paying deliberate attention to what's going on inside and around you.
Mindful eating aims to heighten your awareness. It brings the focus to your physical presence and how you are feeling internally.
Mindful eating is eating without judging or being critical of yourself.
What are the benefits of mindful eating?
Mindful eating can help in identifying unhealthy behaviour patterns around food; for example, eating too much, or eating when you're not actually hungry and don't need to eat. For many of us, a way to better enjoy food and life. It puts the focus on the present moment, allowing you to slow down and take some time to savour the flavours and experience of eating.
Tomorrow I'll share tips about how to eat mindfully.
Do you need some help to eat mindfully? Why don't you book a discovery call with The Dietologist.