I have a confession, I suffer with IMPOSTER SYNDROME!

 I'm writing a quick post because I have to confess something... and you may relate to this! I suffer with IMPOSTER SYNDROME and it got the better of me this weekend. I like to call it "The Comparison Theory".....

😔Not feeling I'm good enough
😞Not feeling that I'm serving you well
😔Feeling sorry for myself with all the hard work and no instant gratification or reward!

This is very unlike me. For those that work with me one on one, you'll know I'm a little pocket rocket of enthusiasm and I'm also empathetic to your needs. I recognise imposter syndrome in my clients, however I try not to label them with it, and here I am self diagnosing the condition myself. It's very common amongst women and I've tried to fight it all weekend and possibly for many years not feeling good enough, smart enough, worthy enough.  When in doubt always blame it on the hormones, right!

Today I had a call with my amazing coach and talked it all through. I feel right as rain, bouncing around with positivity and ready to kick ass in the business sense and at home (2 teenagers, need I say more).

What I'm trying to say is that it's ok to feel crap and insecure sometimes, we're all human and in touch with our emotions. What's not so good is carrying around the burden forever because that doesn't serve anyone!

If you're feeling a little down today, or not feeling you’re enough, why don't you pick up the phone and call a friend (choose wisely because you don't want a negative Nancy! Or get in touch. Don't suffer in silence, IMPOSTER syndrome is REAL!

Sharing is caring, peeps!

Written from the heart as always. Xx

Big hugs

By enquiries August 26, 2019
Have you been thinking about having weight loss surgery?
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