A successful morning routine is key to a productive and successful start to the day. It allows you to give yourself time to ease into your day, feel more in control of your schedule and be intentional and motivated about what you do and how you do it, and particularly if you have a busy family / home / work life, it allows you to be more organised.

A morning routine is a series of tasks and actions that are completed before starting work / starting your day. The best thing about a morning routine is that it can be designed to suit each individual. After bariatric surgery, it can be difficult to focus on anything else, so a morning routine is beneficial in that it allows for a calming, focused mindset. 

Here are some ideas on how to create a successful morning routine. 

Create a sleep routine.
Sleep is one of the most important factors when feeling refreshed and ready to start the day. Go to bed at a reasonable time the night before, avoid technology before going to sleep, and set your alarm for a time in the morning that gives you a chance to wake up properly. By making this a routine your body will eventually become accustomed to the time to sleep and the time to wake up, creating an internal body clock. 

Avoid hitting the snooze button.
Once your alarm goes off, get up and avoid immediately looking at your phone - this allows for easy distractions and wastes time. 

Make your bed.
It may seem very small, but making your bed symbolises a task being completed for the day - you’re already on track to success. 

Do some mindfulness activities.
This can include light exercise, stretching, meditation, breathing exercises, gratitude journaling and practising affirmations, but make sure that the focus is on your own mindfulness and wellbeing, even if it is just for a few minutes - the goal is to centre yourself, have a positive start to the day, feel relaxed and boost your confidence.

Drink some water.
Staying hydrated is incredibly important for both our physical and mental wellbeing and helps to improve concentration. Particularly after bariatric surgery, it is important to build up your overall fluid intake. 

Eat a healthy breakfast.
Like staying hydrated, eating a healthy breakfast gives us the physical and mental energy that we need to start the day. To save time, prepare your breakfast meals the night before - smoothie bowls, high protein yoghurt and berries, overnight oats and porridge can be stored in the fridge. 

Start preparing for your day the night before.
Decide what you’re going to wear and have your clothes ready. Like your breakfast, your lunch can be prepped, packed and stored in the fridge overnight. If you leave the house to go to work, pack your bag the night before. Write a checklist of what you need to achieve the following day. 

Listen to your favourite podcast
or an uplifting playlist while you are getting ready. 

Cross off yesterday on your calendar.
The visual reminder that yesterday has gone and you’re starting a new day can be incredibly motivating. 

Start creating habits within your morning routine.
Over time, work out what order in which to do things that will have the most positive impact for the day. This is completely unique to your own preferences, and don’t be afraid to add or remove things to suit what works for you. 

Remember to be kind to yourself.
A morning routine is all about positivity. Start each day afresh, congratulate yourself on your achievements and wins so far and avoid beating yourself up mentally if you have made a mistake or slipped up. For tips of how to be more kind to yourself, visit my blog post here: ​​

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By enquiries August 26, 2019
Have you been thinking about having weight loss surgery?
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