The build up to Christmas often lasts for several weeks and is the busiest time of the year for parties and celebrations with lots of food and alcohol. Here are some of my favourite tips on how you can enjoy the festivities while still keeping your weight loss goals in mind!
Tip 1: Use a side plate. Plate size is so important when it comes to weight loss. The same amount of food is on both plates, but the smaller plate looks full and the larger plate looks a little empty. This means that the brain is delivered fullness signals looking at the smaller plate, so patients are more likely to stop when they are satisfied. In order to control portion sizes, WLS patients need to use a side plate (7 inches). By putting smaller amounts of food on a normal 12” sized dinner plate the brain is likely to feel a little short-changed and will inevitably want more, resulting in hunger and cravings.
Tip 2: Balance your meals. Depending on where you are in your weight loss journey, it’s important to balance your meals. This can be made up as:
Tip 3: Cut up your food into small pieces! Before starting your meal, cut your food into chunks approximately the size of a 20 pence or teaspoon. That will help you take small bites and help you to eat mindfully.
Tip 4: Eat mindfully. Mindful eating is all about being in the present and focusing on your food and the task of eating, paying specific attention to preparing and consuming your food and being aware of your thoughts and feelings as you are doing so. Mindful eating also removes judgement - by focusing on your meal you are in control of what you are putting into your body. This is a game changer when it comes to weight loss!
Tip 5: Be aware of how you time your fluid intake. The fluids you consume during the day are really important, but it’s equally important to be aware of when you consume fluids in relation to your meals. Make sure that you drink fluids 10-15 minutes before you eat, or wait for 30 minutes after food.
Tip 6: Be aware of why you shouldn’t eat and drink at the same time after surgery. Food and fluids shouldn’t be consumed together for a number of reasons. It may cause you to dump, it flushes food out of the stomach pouch so it may cause you to feel hungry quickly, and the stomach pouch can’t hold that volume so it may stretch the stomach pouch over time if done repeatedly.
Tip 7: Think about the types of fluids that you can consume during the day. It’s important to have1.6-2L fluids a day to keep the body hydrated. Fluids aren’t just water - they can be anything from decaf coffee and tea, to soups, squash and protein shakes.
Tip 8: Make sure that you eat enough protein. Eating the right amount of protein is extremely important - protein provides the basic building blocks for the body. They are made of amino-acids and are found in every cell, tissue and organ in the human body. Protein is needed for growth and repair, no matter how young or old we are. Protein helps you feel satisfied for longer periods of time, so you’re less likely to snack between meals. Don’t forget nuts are a great source of protein and plentiful during the xmas festivities.
Tip 9: Think about your Christmas dinner. Christmas dinner is full of lots of different food and it’s difficult not to over indulge. I am often asked for Christmas meal swap ideas but the truth is, you don’t have to swap any of it! Use a side plate for your meal and enjoy every part of the food on offer, just in moderation. Have a slice or two of turkey, a small amount of stuffing, one or two roast potatoes, a spoonful of carrots and brussel's sprouts with a drizzle of gravy. Remember to leave your glass of wine until at least 30 minutes after your meal.
Tip 10: Enjoy all the food and drink associated with Christmas, but in moderation! Remember that depriving yourself of foods you enjoy will potentially result in cravings, which may contribute to a binge / restrict cycle. Instead of drinking multiple glasses of wine and cocktails, just have one glass of wine. If you like to eat Christmas pudding, have a small slice instead of a large one! You can still continue in your weight loss journey without missing out!
Tip 11: Pimp up the texture of your Christmas dinner! There are lots of ways to pimp up the texture of your dinner, including using less gravy which softens food, eating the breast of the turkey instead of the thigh or leg as the meat is softer, baking some new potatoes in the oven in their jackets instead of mash. Adding nuts/seeds, raw vegetables or quickly blanched vegetables to your plate for that extra crunch.
Tip 12: Create a balance in your Christmas festivities! If you’re feeling cravings or have an urge to over-indulge, make sure that you keep healthy snacks nearby and distract yourself by wrapping presents, laying the xmas table, going for a walk or playing a board game with your family. Continue to eat mindfully, limit salt as this will make you feel thirsty and remember to not ban foods completely as this will lead to a binge / restrict mindset. It’s okay to enjoy a few indulgent foods and to be off track a little for a few days. Enjoy and embrace the Christmas spirit.
Merry Christmas everyone. If you want to learn how to create balance and lose weight, why don’t you join the
8 Week Program to help you get back on track.